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Male, 35 years, born on 5 August 1989

Not looking for a job

Kaliningrad, willing to relocate (Other regions, Russia), prepared for business trips

Project manager

100 000  in hand

  • Chief executive officer (CEO)
  • Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)
  • Chief operating officer (COO)
  • Project manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 13 years 9 months

July 2019currently
5 years 9 months
Pride trade GROUP


Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more

Chief executive officer
Development and operational control of the business unit, business as usual, strategic management
September 2017June 2019
1 year 10 months
Baltic seed LLC (agricultural production and marketing)

Kaliningrad Oblast, www.balticseed.com

Agriculture... Show more

CCO - Chief commercial officer (former CEO from 01.2015 till 09.2017)
Targets: - product (potatoes) sales, marketing and development within Russian territory, East-European countries and CIS, - execution of existing contracts, control of Company’s obligations fulfillment, internal communication with productional team in order to comply the production with requirements and terms of contracts, - control of contracts re: products and services sales, product related purchases, - corporate brand development – own brand (Baltic seed) and partner’s, - introduction of new products of Dutch potato breeder in Russia. Functions: - conducting marketing analysis, research of perspectives and trends of national Russian market development with seed, processing and table potatoes, - being part of chain in internal approval process of agreements, contracts, other documents and acts which create, amend or influence Company’s obligations and rights with regard to product distribution, sales and purchases, - holding communication with clients and consumers, potential partners and stakeholders, - cooperation with state, regional and municipal authorities of Russia, public and commercial associations and other bodies in connection to current business operations of the Company, - post-sale services: arrangement of consumer feedbacks on products, logistics and contract-related questions; regular visits to consumers productional sites and premises, - commercial policy issue, company strategy creation, - other functions assigned during current operations management of the Company.
January 2015September 2017
2 years 9 months
Baltic seed LLC (agricultural production and marketing)

Kaliningrad Oblast, www.balticseed.com

Agriculture... Show more

CEO - Chief executive officer
Targets: Complete operations management of business entity in accordance with the Company's Charter, existing legislation and corporate strategy, Functions: - Financial and business activities management, - Identification and clarification of actions, steps and tactics required to meet productional targets, shareholder’s/beneficiaries’ expectations and projected EBIDTA, - Control and ensuring the legitimacy of current activities, decisions and actions taken, - Monitoring the performance of the company's obligations, as well as the execution of agreements, contracts; - analysis of accounts receivables / payables. The company has been founded in 2015 to implement a new industrial project in the sphere of agriculture for the production of seed potatoes in the Kaliningrad region. During the execution of CEO labor functions, the following organizational and production tasks have been fulfilled, to include but not limited to: I. In the scope of administration: - conclusion of key agreements with consumers and their timely execution, - Budgeting and cash flow planning (cash flow projections, P&L drafting), - Structuring of enterprise, arrangement of labour forces - determining the needs and payroll budget, building up business processes for the interaction of structural units and departments in order to effectively achieve the objectives and fulfill current functions - team building, - subsidizing activities - ensuring the reception of financial state support for the Company, ⁃ legal activities arrangements, paper work performance and documents flow control, - management of other internal administrative business processes. II. In the scope of production: - Together with the investors / shareholders of the Company, formation of productional tasks and consolidation of target KPI’s, - Formation and construction of productional technical base (assets): determining the needs and requirements for achieving the goals and objectives, acquiring the necessary assets, building the required capital construction objects within the approved budget of the company, putting it into operation, - Formation of the base for labor protection, environmental legal compliance, - Current support of work of the production unit, conducting regular meetings with responsible team members. III. In the scope of corporate governance and interaction with business owners and investors: - Formation and approval of the budget, - Organization of reporting and reporting on the achieved production results to the beneficiaries of the Company, - Interaction with all members of the Company, having a share in the authorized capital of the company, - Participation in general meetings of members of the Company.
April 2014August 2017
3 years 5 months
Amber agro LLC (Amber Agro and Food Industries Holdings LLC)

Kaliningrad Oblast, www.amber-afi.com

Agriculture... Show more

Legal council
Targets and responsibility: - complete coverage of any legal and documental activities of company. Functions: - legal support of current business activities and actions of the company - a full range of contractual work, disputes resolutions and claim work; - conducting the process of internal coordination of agreements, working with other functional departments of the company involved in the process - with the production department, the economic department, the accounting department, the security service, others, - interaction with residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation, necessary in order to resolve commercial issues; - support of the company's foreign economic activity - from negotiations and concluding a contract to its execution and execution of the relevant primary documents; - analysis of current legislation as well as monitoring the changes that are relevant to business operations of the company; - control of customs relationships of the company - interaction with the customs broker, customs authorities and organization of the process of import / export of goods to / from the territory of the Kaliningrad region and Russia in total, provision of the services within Russian Federation and abroad, - development of corporate issues of the enterprise - development and execution of decisions of executive bodies of the Company; - advising the company's employees on legal issues arising in the course of production and business activities of the company; - execution of orders, powers of attorney, instructions and other internal local legal acts, - representing the interests of the company in the Arbitration Court of the Kaliningrad region, - clarification and assignment of tasks to the department of labor protection and safety engineering, - comprehensive management of insurance - property insurance, the organization of compulsory insurance, - performance of function of quality management service in terms of preparing the necessary accompanying documentation for the goods (acts of expertise of origin, declarations of conformity, test reports) and other actions related to the execution of contracts for the sales of the company's products.
August 2012October 2013
1 year 3 months
Sodrugestvo-Soy CJSC

Svetly, sodrugestvo.com/

Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more

Legal advisor
Tasks and targets: legal support and internal legal services of the company (aimed on productional unit of the enterprise). Functions: - legal support and control of current contractual institute of the company - a full range of agreements and contracts, claims and disputes arising during execution of such contracts; - participation in the process of internal approvals of agreements/documents/orders and other legal actions, communication with other functional departments of the company involved in the process, - interaction with representatives of potential contractors within contracts with the Company Sodrugestvo-Soy being buyer; - maintenance of foreign trade activities; - legal analysis of current legislation, as well as monitoring of changes; - preparation of conclusions, memorandums, researches on precise business matter; - partial corporate support of the company (it was a function of another department of the legal department of the enterprise); - advising the company's employees on legal issues arising in the course of production and business activities of the company; - execution of orders, powers of attorney, internal instructions and regulative acts, - Representation of interests of the company in the Arbitration Court of the Kaliningrad region.
March 2011August 2011
6 months
‘European industrial group’ company


Utilities... Show more

Legal advisor
Functions: - corporate support of the company and other legal entities affiliated to it - documentary support and execution of decisions / meetings of the executive bodies of the company, control of other internal documents, registration of changes in tax register with relevant state authorities; - Work with governmental bodies of the Kaliningrad region – city administration, governmental agencies; - control of complex contractual matters to include agreements and its amendments and addendums, claims and dispute resolutions during the process of carrying out business activities of companies. Reason for resignation: Preparation and admission to study at Master’s in Auckland University of Technology (Auckland, New Zealand) for Master’s degree.
October 2008September 2009
1 year
Kaliningrad regional government, Administrative-technical inspectorate of Kaliningrad region Government

Kaliningrad, www.atins.gov39.ru/

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State inspector assistant
Functions: - conducting relevant administrative proceedings on cases of administrative offenses in violation of the administrative legislation of the Kaliningrad Region, committed by individuals, legal entities, as well as their officials; - participation in on-site audits and checks carried out by inspectors of the Inspectorate; - Work with the Department of bailiffs of Kaliningrad on the execution of decisions made by state inspectors.


Skill proficiency levels
Business Development
Market Research
Project management
Product Management
Business Planning
Operations Management
Operations Planning

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

• Enjoy fulfill tasks set, love challenges to myself and personal growth, • Self-determined with necessary actions and goals to achieve the highest performance in the work and its effectiveness; analysis of the activities carried out and work to improve the quality of the results; monitoring the implementation of current tasks; • Have active, healthy curiosity and constant desire for self-development, obtaining new knowledge and practice; • Characterized by patience and thoroughness in the process of performing the assigned functions, multitasking and attentiveness; • Loyalty to the company and work in the interests of the organization to achieve the highest and best results, • A fan of sports and a healthy lifestyle, • Have interest passion in constant personal development in every sphere of life, • Supporter of the idea that “the devil is in the details”, business / life excellence, self-critical and demanding to myself

Higher education (master)

Gdansk University of Technology (Gdansk, Poland)
Faculty of Management and Economics, Master of business administration (MBA)
Baltic federal University named after I. Kant (former Russian state University named after I. Kant), Kaliningrad
Legal faculty, Law



EnglishC1 — Advanced

Professional development, courses

Introduction to Operations Management (distance course)
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton
International trade contract: establishment, execution and disputes resolution.
Legal institute «M-Logos», Moscow, Russia
English for lawyers
Cambridge Academy of English
Professional English in business purposes
International House London

Tests, examinations

PeopleCert, MSP® - Foundation Certificate in Programme Management
PeopleCert, PRINCE2® - Foundation Certificate in Project Management
PeopleCert, MoP® - Management of Portfolios®
IELTS exam (International english language testing sistem)

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter