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Female, 36 years, born on 18 January 1989

Considers offers

Saint Petersburg, metro station Moskovskaya, willing to relocate (Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Nakhodka, Novorossiysk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Manager/Senior QHSE

  • Occupational health and safety engineer, environmental engineer

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule

Work experience 15 years 6 months

June 2019currently
5 years 10 months
Nord Steam AG

Leningrad Oblast, www.nord-stream.com

Oil and Gas... Show more

HSSE Consultant in Manpower agency for Nord Stream AG, Pig traps and pipeline operation project
Nord Stream’s business model is to provide gas transportation capacity for the natural gas coming from western Russia for distribution into the European gas grid. The gas transportation system is comprised of its twin, 1,224-kilometre pipelines through the Baltic Sea. As operator, Nord Stream AG offers gas transportation capacities via its pipelines. This entails the day-to-day technical operation and commercial handling of gas transport (dispatching), the maintenance of all technical systems involved, continued liaison with permitting authorities in the countries through whose waters Nord Stream runs, as well as adhering to environmental management obligations and relevant technical standards (codes) of the respective permitting countries. Main responsibilities (in the Labor Safety section): • Occupational Health and hygiene, • HSES Contractors audits (Annual, Tender assessment and etc), • Permit to work system, • PPE production and site supplying issue, • HSES Training, • HSES Leadership on site, • Medicine issues, • Take a lead of HSES Viborg office. • Budget planning for LFR HSES section Main responsibilities (in the Industrial and Environmental Safety section): • Participation in Operation License renewal process, • Environmental, • Industrial production control, • Industrial Safety (including communications with RTN), • Industrial Control process, • Fire Safety, • Civil Defence issues, • Carry out general field/PT area monitoring to ensure compliance with NSP and safe work execution practices. Main responsibilities (in the HSES for Corporate Offshore section): • Advising and supporting the emergency response team. • Maintaining the emergency response plans, • Prepare and coordinate the Lenders audit, • Support and coordinate all offshore activities of the company, • Reporting (industrial safety, environmental, forestry, statistic and etc.) General:  Conduct of training and general induction course for internal/external employees  Perform weekly Safety Compliance Inspections and checks of Contractor performance to ensure implementation of safe working/operation procedures & best practices  Ensure that risk assessment / job safety analysis in a place and communicated to all work crewmembers and committed with all types of activities.  Participate in/organize Job Safety Analysis with Contractors & request new MS and JSA if necessary  Attends/conducts regular meetings with NSP personnel & Contractors HSSE representatives to discuss/agree safety standards, concerns & potential hazards.  Assists in the investigation of incidents & NM to determine the Root Causes of the accidents/injuries Accident/Incident & NM registration and notification.  Evaluates/monitors site working conditions applicable to the gas pipeline and equipment operation / maintenance  Promote safety awareness of workforce at all levels through pro-active attitude within the NSP Team and Contractors. Interface with cousins’ companies in order to be in a line with safe pretties  Lifting and other equipment inspections; initial inspection and registration; periodic inspections as per project requirements, and monitoring of daily operator’s inspection logbook  Address any environmental issues that may arise  Lifting and heavy lifting operations monitoring. Checking and monitoring of cargo slinging, movement and transportation activity  Ensure that traffic management system is implement and controlled from contractor part.  Address health/hygiene issues; monitor conditions in offices, lunchrooms, washrooms  Monitor security issues and be involved into compliance of the related aspects  Reports all HSE observations providing necessary advice and reminders to the employees involved, identifying corrective actions to rectify all substandard conditions and unsafe acts  Recommends on amendments to HSE manuals, HSE procedures, emergency procedures in the light of operational experience and latest developments in the HSE field. HSE meetings with subcontractor and suppliers  Organization/control of employee. Medical Fitness check (in accordance with MFC schedule and position)  HSE qualification and certification of appointment persons and other employers  Checking of hygiene, sanitary-conditions, on compliance in accordance with hygiene- industrial control program. Projects supported and implemented while working period: I. Annual schedule SD HSES support II. Internal Electronical Operation Site Permit System development and implementation (PASS (Permission to Access Site Safely) and PTW (Permit to Work)). The non-hazardous works covered by PASS and not by the PTW Procedure in order to allow access to a site with less administrative efforts. For making the paper PTW format useful for using between RF operation landfall and Zug dispatching center CHF PTW format had been create and re-create to electronical format - PTW and PASS format able to be filled remotely from SharePoint with possibility to printed at place and Approved in same time from CHF dispatching and Site operation manager. III. Non-crossing conception developing and implementation (COVID19 prevention actions and control measures) IV. Warehouse EPC project implementation. Full HSES support at all stages of project implementation (as HSES Client rep.) V. Training room arrangement. Training room create and implement for arranging the internal process of Personnel training including connection and implementation of RTN attestation portal. VI. OCN 131 equipping by fall protection systems of nonstationary workplaces at height and in confined spaces VII. Life-saving rules, HSES corporate culture concept development and HSE brand book creation project VIII. Minimum HSES Standards for Contracting Agencies (Operations) re-issuing/updating due to General changes of RF legislation in Labour safety. Offshore sections: I. First Reaction Damage Survey II. Russian Dry Section and Shore Approach EIS 2022 III. External Pipeline Inspection 2020-2022 IV. 50 Hz dredging near NSP offshore assets V. Dewatering system at LFFR 2020
March 2024June 2024
4 months
Penglai Jutal Offshore Engineering Heavy Industries Co.Ltd. (сокращенно - PJOE Co., Ltd)
Project consulting HSES sector and Freelance activity
consulting services and coordination in the field of labor protection and environmental protection (hereinafter referred to as OH&S), at the Customer's production sites in the Russian Federation (RF) in Murmansk.
January 2024March 2024
3 months
KCP – Kurdistan Crude Pipeline)
Project consulting HSES sector and Freelance activity
January 2019June 2019
6 months
TechnipFMC (TECHNIP RUS) Global leader in oil and gas projects, technologies, systems and services.

Saint Petersburg

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

HSE manager
Main responsibilities: Advises on HSE matters: cascading the corporate HSES MS; safety, occupational health and environmental concerns.  Department budget planning  Integration and implementation of international HSE system and standards  Preparation of basic package of documentation for HSE system regulation (standards, philosophy, procedures, instructions, policies), across RF and international safety requirements and standards.  HSE consultation for company departments about labor protection and industrial safety system implementation  Weekly HSE inspections  Development and approving of HSE plans and procedures  ERP team regulation  Site audit on HSES compliances  Controlling of implementation of corporate HSES standards at Company sites  Ensures personnel familiarity and compliance with environmental protection procedure, regulations and proper waste management practices  HSE meetings with subcontractors and suppliers  Arrangement/control of employee. Medical Fitness check (in accordance with MFC schedule and position)  HSE qualification and certification of appointment persons and other employers  Checking of hygiene, sanitary-conditions, on compliance in accordance with hygiene- industrial control program
May 2018January 2019
9 months
RDMC (Russian Dredging and Marine Contractors) is a joint venture of two leading international contractors Van Oord and Royal Boskalis Westminster N.V.

Leningrad Oblast, www.nord-stream2.com

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

QHSE manager
General contractor for the Nord Stream 2 project Russian LFF. The scope of project works related to the construction of the planned twin 1,200 kilometer gas pipelines running through the Baltic Sea, connecting Russia to Europe. RDMC specific scope is installed on specific locations route along the pipeline to level the seabed by dredging activity and Cofferdam walls installation on nearshore area. Using of tranche-boxes for onshore tranches excavation, lay the welded pipeline sections into the trench with using of 100 k t winches. Pipeline pulling from onshore and offshore sides and connect in meeting a point at nearshore area. Main responsibilities: Advises on HSE matters including systems of work; safety, occupational health and environmental concerns.  Department budget planning  Integration and implementation of international HSE system and standards during construction stages (pre-mobilization, mobilization, construction activity and commissions)  Preparation of basic package of documentation for HSE system regulation (standards, philosophy, procedures, instructions, policies), across RF and international safety requirements and standards.  HSE consultation for company departments about labor protection and industrial safety system implementation  Weekly HSE inspections  Development and approving of HSE plans and procedures  ERP team regulation  Lifting and Slinging operation supervision  Controlling of warehouse operating on compliance with HSE requirements  Ensures personnel familiarity and compliance with environmental protection procedure, regulations and proper waste management practices  HSE meetings with subcontractor and suppliers  Organization/control of employee. Medical Fitness check (in accordance with MFC schedule and position)  HSE qualification and certification of appointment persons and other employers  Checking of hygiene, sanitary-conditions, on compliance in accordance with hygiene- industrial control program
January 2017May 2018
1 year 5 months
HSSE Consultant in Air SWIFT agency for South Stream Transport BV TurkStream pipeline project

Krasnodar, turkstream.info/ru/

Oil and Gas... Show more

Senior HSSE Supervisor
South Stream/Turk Stream LFF project were conducted following processes: 24" and 32" valves installation with all the supporting infrastructure, including all the Electronic Controls and instrumentation, Tow Micro Tunnels and Pipelines (with Automated and Manual Welding Process, and controls types) and overland of 32" inch diameter and 39 mm Wall Thickness to connect the Onshore to Offshore. Main responsibilities:  Conduct of training and general induction course for internal/external employees  Carry out general field monitoring to ensure compliance with Project and Site safe work practices,  Perform daily Safety Compliance Inspections and checks of Contractor performance to ensure implementation of safe working procedures & best practices  Ensure that risk assessment / job safety analysis in a place and communicated to all work crew members  Participate in/organize Job Safety Analysis with Contractors & request new JSA if necessary  Attends/conducts regular meetings with SSTTBV HSSE & Contractors HSSE representatives to discuss/agree safety standards, concerns & potential hazards.  Assists in the investigation of incidents & NM to determine the Root Causes of the accidents/injuries  Evaluates/monitors site working conditions applicable to the pipeline construction works  Promote safety awareness of workforce at all levels through pro-active attitude within the SSTTBV Project Team and Contractors  Lifting and other equipment inspections; initial inspection and registration; periodic inspections as per project requirements, and monitoring of daily operator’s inspection logbook  Address any environmental issues that may arise  Lifting and heavy lifting operations monitoring. Checking and monitoring of cargo slinging, movement and transportation activity  Ensure that traffic management system have been implemented and controlled from subcontractor part.  Address health/hygiene issues; monitor conditions in offices, lunchrooms, washrooms  Monitor security issues and be involved into compliance of the related aspects  Reports all HSE observations providing necessary advice and reminders to the employees involved, identifying corrective actions to rectify all substandard conditions and unsafe acts  Recommends on amendments to HSE manuals, HSE procedures, emergency procedures in the light of operational experience and latest developments in the HSE field
December 2014December 2016
2 years 1 month
LLC "OMA international" (Russian branch by OMA group)

Krasnodar, www.omagroup.it/

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Senior HSE (Acting HSE manager) at construction activity during pipeline laying and Land Fall Facility
 Advises on HSE matters including systems of work; safety, occupational health and environmental concerns.  Department budget planning  Integration and implementation of international HSE system and standards during construction stages (pre-mobilization, mobilization, construction activity and commissions)  Preparation of basic package of documentation for HSE system regulation (standards, philosophy, procedures, instructions, policies), across RF and international safety requirements and standards.  HSE consultation for company departments about labor protection and industrial safety system implementation  Weekly HSE inspections  Development and approving of HSE plans and procedures  ERP team regulation  Lifting and Slinging operation supervisions  Controlling of warehouse operating on compliance with HSE requirements  Ensures personnel familiarity and compliance with environmental protection procedure, regulations and proper waste management practices  HSE meetings with subcontractor and suppliers  Organization/control of employee. Medical Fitness check (in accordance with MFC schedule and position)  HSE qualification and certification of appointment persons and other employers  Checking of hygiene, sanitary-conditions, on compliance in accordance with hygiene- industrial control program
October 2013December 2014
1 year 3 months
LLC Abrau-Durso Centre of Wine Tourism

Krasnodar Krai

Hotels, Restaurants, Food Service Industry, Catering... Show more

Deputy of general director (HSE direction)
There are 17 positions under control territories. Such as 5 caterings including 2 restaurants; 1 hotel****; SPA with laundries; 4 branded stores, helicopter with heliport, banqueting hall with 250 persons capacity Main responsibilities:  Control of compliance to norms and rules of labor safety and industrial safety issues according to the RF legislation.  Advises on HSE matters and compliance of sites and the involving equipment to basic HSE requirements.  Conducting induction  HSE consultation for company departments about labor protection and industrial safety system implementation  Weekly HSE inspections  Development and approving of HSE plans and procedures  ERP team regulation  Lifting and Slinging operation supervisions  Controlling of warehouse operating on compliance with HSE requirements  Ensures personnel familiarity and compliance with environmental protection procedure, regulations and proper waste management practices  HSE meetings with subcontractor and suppliers  Organization/control of employee. Medical Fitness check (in accordance with MFC schedule and position)  HSE qualification and certification of appointment persons and other employers  Checking of hygiene, sanitary-conditions, on compliance in accordance with hygiene- industrial control program
June 2013September 2013
4 months
JSC "Metasintez"


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Position: Deputy of general director (HSE direction)
67 objects were under Company control including warehouse bases and catering facilities, sanitary issue. Main responsibilities:  Monitoring of contractor and Subcontractor Company’s in compliance with HSE RF legislation and other requirements of "RN-Tuapse NPZ" expansion project.  Employments and production equipment qualification and certification in accordance with health and safety.  Participation in the contractor’s tool-box talks, HSE meeting, Walk about;  Monitor implementation of PTW procedures  Subcontractor coordination and keeping in line with HSE cods and standards Site HSE non-compliances identification and prevention of violations  Supervision of site compliances to fire safety norms and rules  Supervision of contractor activity (such as: fire, work at high, earth works, lifting and Slinging operations)  Checking of Inductions and trainings system implementation  Industrial safety safeguarding on the worksite  Participates in regular safety and HSE meetings with all involved parties and contractors  Controlling of site Gas Test Monitoring as an Authorized Gas Tester system  Coordinate and lead Monthly Joint HSE Inspections(HSE,ERS, Environment, Industrial Hygiene)  Reports all HSE observations providing necessary advice and reminders to the employees involved, identifying corrective actions to rectify all substandard conditions and unsafe acts  Support Environmental Department/Group in solving environmental field issues  Coordinates with ERS department and contractors to ensure that firefighting systems, detection systems and emergency equipment at the GTPP are maintained functional all the time.  Participates in external audits and inspections  Ensures personnel familiarity and compliance with environmental protection procedure, regulations and proper waste management practices  Carries out regular HSE inspections and audits to ensure proper adherence to the company policies, procedures, plans  Identify hazards and participate in conducting risk assessments pertaining to operations  Participates in investigation major related incidents/high potential near-misses  Monitor implementation of the various prevention and mitigation measures  Promote safety awareness among personnel, conducting regular HSE awareness sessions, inductions and presentations  Monitor implementation of PTW procedures  Recommends on amendments to HSE manuals, HSE procedures, emergency procedures in the light of operational experience and latest developments in the HSE field  Participates actively in safety campaigns launched by HSE department, such as awareness campaigns and HSE award campaigns
May 2011June 2013
2 years 2 months
JCK “Trust KXM”

Moscow, www.kxm.ru—Construction,RealEstate,Architecture

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Lead HSE supervisor
Start as site HSE officer than lead HSE supervisor Main responsibilities: Monitoring compliance in the subdivisions of the enterprise, the contractor and subcontractor companies, legislation and other regulations on labor protection, as well as the standards adopted by the CPC-R.  Advises on HSE matters including systems of work; safety, occupational health and environmental concerns  Implementation of New company initiations such as BBS Program, SWA through Trainings, Observations and site coaching’s  Development and monitoring activity of HSE Technicians , both site and Procedures / Best HSE Practices coaching  Implementation of Near Miss awareness and Incident notification process trough Presentations and HSE Meetings, Site Coaching Participates in regular safety and HSE meetings with all involved parties and contractors  Regular evaluation of Contractor Companies HSE Management System  Participation of development and implementation of Quarterly HSE Campaigns  Controlling of site Gas Test Monitoring as an Authorized Gas Testers  Carry out site specific induction for new employees and visitors  Coordinate and lead Monthly Joint HSE Inspections(HSE,ERS, Environment, Industrial Hygiene)  Participation at both Company and Contractors Drills, Drills Debrief meeting facilitating  Reports all HSE observations providing necessary advice and reminders to the employees involved, identifying corrective actions to rectify all substandard conditions and unsafe acts  Support Environmental Group in solving environmental field issues  Participates in external audits and inspections  Ensures personnel familiarity and compliance with environmental protection procedure, regulations and proper waste management practices  Carries out regular HSE inspections and audits to ensure proper adherence to the company policies, procedures, plans  Identify hazards and participate in conducting risk assessments pertaining to operations/activity  Participates in investigation major related incidents/high potential near-misses  Monitor implementation of the various prevention and mitigation measures  Promote safety awareness among personnel, conducting regular HSE awareness sessions, inductions and presentations  Monitor implementation of PTW procedures  Recommends on amendments to HSE manuals, HSE procedures, emergency procedures in the light of operational experience and latest developments in the HSE field  Participates actively in safety campaigns launched by HSE department, such as awareness campaigns and HSE award campaigns.
June 2006December 2007
1 year 7 months
LLC "Dianex"


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Construction customer supervisor
Main responsibilities:  Design, execution of all technical documentation, collecting of documents for passing the state examination. Technical Manual Design, construction supervising. Adopt measures aimed at improving the quality of design and estimate documentation and reducing the consumption of material resources during construction. Data preparation for the conclusion of contracts with customers and justification of contractual prices.  Participation in the work of commissions on siting (routes) for the construction, in the preparation of specifications for the design and organization of engineering surveys for the development of design estimates and other technical documentation.  Formation job subcontractors to perform the work entrusted to them and the supply of these organizations necessary baseline data. Issues arising from them in the process of developing documentation  Reports all HSE observations providing necessary advice and reminders to the employees involved, identifying corrective actions to rectify all substandard conditions and unsafe acts  Support Environmental Group in solving environmental field issues  Participates in external audits and inspections  Carries out regular HSE inspections and audits to ensure proper adherence to the company policies, procedures, plans  Identify hazards and participate in conducting risk assessments pertaining to operations  Monitor implementation of the various prevention and mitigation measures  Monitor implementation of PTW procedures  Recommends on amendments to HSE manuals, HSE procedures, emergency procedures in the light of operational experience and latest developments in the HSE field


Skill proficiency levels
MS Outlook
MS PowerPoint
MS Office
Английский язык
Деловая переписка
Консультант плюс
Пользователь ПК
Работа в команде
Управление персоналом
Организаторские навыки
Обучение персонала

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

 Pipeline onshore/offshore,Micro Tunnels and Tank Farm HSE experience (Oil&Gas industry) in construction. Strong HSE compliance management experience. Audit and inspection experience.  Having considerable experience of administrative and technical activities associated with HSE: work planning, preparation and reporting and as-build documents; development and implementation of controls over safety measures status in the working areas; planning activities aimed at improvement of the working conditions; development of the HSE examination/training programs. Planning and performing comprehensive and special purpose HSE audits, inspections and checks, planning and performing labor safety trainings and inductions  Having in-depth knowledge of HSE related regulations, standards and guidelines  Worked in multinational environments and sensitive to cultural differences. Able to deliver a balanced approach to ensure RF requirements are meet and best International practices are adopt to help improve HSE performance.  Experience in Fire Safety, Lifting Safety, PTW, SIMOPS, Electrical Safety, Emergency Response, Incident Investigation, Auditing, other HSE disciplines.  Having in-depth knowledge of RA and JSA. Risk Assessment based on methods of work execution (MS). Site job safety analysis based on actual risks and issues


Higher education

Narenderpal Singh Marwaha, P.Eng
Refresher and Advanced Training, PHA-Pro
Bureau Veritas
Certification of Attendence at indroduction course, Internal Auditor. Integrated MS to standarts : ISO 14001:2015 ISO 9001:2015 ISO 45001:2018
Kuban State Technical University, Krasnodar
Civil and industry construction, degree in Labor Safety
Marine State Academy, Novorossiysk
manager, Haulage and cargo transportation management
Kuban State Technical University, Krasnodar
manager, State and municipal management



EnglishC1 — Advanced

FrenchA2 — Elementary

ItalianA2 — Elementary

Professional development, courses

Indastrial safety certification
RTN, A, B2, B 8.32, B 9.13; B9.31
First aid
Completion of slinging and lifting operations (industry best practice)
Moody intertek and Caspian Pipeline Consortium, Lifting operation
IIF leader
Chevron Ink. (CPC Expantion project),, Certificete
Five why method, why tree method
Chevron Ink. (CPC Expantsion project), Certificete

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Russia

Permission to work: Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter